Archive for May, 2013

~It is not the end of the journey which teaches, but the journey itself~

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, finder, God, Hope, Jesus, lake of fire, Love, money, path, Paul of Tarsus, salvation, seek, seeker, Spirit, spiritual, stress, truth, Uncategorized, within, Xanax on May 31, 2013 by david1963


~It is not the end of the journey which teaches, but the journey itself~
(x-cuse the tyypO’s)

When you find inner peace nothing seems difficult. You have surrendered to the power of Love or God because you have come to a personal revelation or a Self-Realization that God is Love and Only Loving. God would never make a hell-fire for a “body” after “it dies”, this is now seen as Insane to the mind in Love with God in Christ.

“Dorothy must learn the rules of Oz” or “Neo must come to grips with the realities and unrealities of the Matrix.” It’s the same for you. You must realize your own truth. My truth is not your truth and our truth is Not true unless it is true for Everyone, beliefs DON’T Count.

Supernatural doesn’t have to mean magical. Super-natural is beyond the “natural TRAINED mind.” Supernatural simply means “above the laws of nature.”

When Jesus told His followers that “they Will do greater than He”, He was letting them Know that they were Not seeing everything that they would be able “to do.”

When you Know who you are, and you WILL know who you are when you PRACTICE the teachings of Jesus and Not believe insane, fearful stories about your Loving Father Whom is in Heaven waiting for your Happy return Now, your Eyes are opened!!

Jesus mastered the laws of the “outside world” and “came back” to bestow this wisdom upon YOU. He has given you the means to become “Saved”, “Self-Realized” or “Enlightened”, And Will Do and has done It For YOU!!!

Would you not Go through fear to find the True Love of Your Heavenly Father?

BeLiEvE nOtHiNg test the spirit within, Christ Is waiting to be Seen By YOU!! ♥

REMEMBER, the “MIND SEES” not the eyes, the eyes see what the mind BELIEVES!!

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, finder, God, Hope, Jesus, lake of fire, Love, money, path, Paul of Tarsus, salvation, seek, seeker, Spirit, spiritual, stress, truth, Uncategorized, within, Xanax on May 30, 2013 by david1963

~Who with a Forgiving heart and a Non-Judgmental mind can long remain in hell keeping his Brothers confined there with him?~

Jesus told us, that prisoners bound with heavy chains for years, starved and emaciated, weak and exhausted, and with eyes so long cast down in darkness they remember not the Light, do not leap up in joy the instant they are free.

It takes a while for them to understand what freedom is.

You who were a prisoner in separation are now made free in Paradise. Jesus will unite with You, His Forgiving Non-Judgmental Friend, His Brother and His Self.

Christ never left the Kingdom of God within. You MUST look to see. Your mind sees a world of sin, death and destruction, because of personal programing not of Your Father.

EXPLANATION: If you for example BELIEVE in “your mind” that all dogs are mean, then the eyes will fear all dogs. Your false-beliefs are mental Judgments within the mind keeping your eyes from Seeing Christ and Heaven now!!

Judge a man by the color of his skin “within your mind” and you will see your judgments on your screen of life, with your eyes blinded by your judgments. You will never see the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus Christ teaches you is HERE NOW, by Judging others as wrong.

When you free “your mind” of false Judgments by Forgiving EVERYONE, you allow the Holy Spirit to correct your Vision.

This is why when we call ourselves Muslims or Christians we BELIEVE that we are somehow different from our Brothers and this Blinds the eyes through false-beliefs of the mind.

REMEMBER, the “MIND SEES” not the eyes, the eyes see what the mind BELIEVES!!

God the Father does Not see Christian, Muslim, Black, White, or Brown, you do!

Enough for today. . .

P.s. Got Gospel will travel!


~You are so very safe, its your beliefs that bring fear to a Fearless Mind.~

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, finder, God, Hope, Jesus, lake of fire, Love, money, path, Paul of Tarsus, salvation, seek, seeker, Spirit, spiritual, stress, truth, within, Xanax on May 25, 2013 by david1963
~You are so very safe, its your beliefs that bring fear to a Fearless Mind.~

We will attempt to go beyond belief today, to knowing that God is Love and Only Love no matter what you’ve been taught or told to believe.

The mind is deceived by fear. Fear is the thoughts brought about by the devil, your fearful ego.

Today when you are disturbed by Anything, remind yourself that God the Father is protecting me, this “disturbance” is only a “thought of the devil” and so it is not real!

Tell yourself:
“God is Only Love and I am One with my Father Whom Created me in His image, I am SAFE.”

Then quiet your mind.
Be still.

Allow your Holy Spirit to take over, releasing your egotistical devil from tormenting you any-longer. You are so very SAFE and Beloved of God the Father! ♥

Your dream of sin and death which Jesus teaches ‘Us’ is not real, is almost over.

You were deceived Beloved, only deceived…. do not be ashamed by the deception, you had no idea until now that God does not allow death to come upon the which He Created as Eternal Life, and as Eternal Love.

God wanted to Share His Love and so you were Created, Only YOU! God has only One Idea of Itself and that is YOU!! ♥

You see what you “BELIEVE” and you “BELIEVE” it because you see it. This does not make it real it only makes it appear real to a mind in fear. You were Created fearless by The Fearless.

You are not at the mercy of what you see!! This is the grand illusion, brought on by the duality or P A R A D O X caused by thinking you are separate from what you see.

Nothing is separate from anything else.

Quiet your mind, Be Still, and Look around without any-thoughts of your own. Begin to see the Marvelous Created state that Jesus Christ called The Kingdom of Heaven within.

The Stillness you create by quieting your mind, will allow the Holy Spirit to “change what you see.” This is the Miracle of Salvation brought on by the Atonement.

You are now learning to Be and trust God like never be-for. Faith is the Love in God. God would and WILL Never allow anything to happen to you.

YOU ♥ Beloved of God Are Everything! And you are Safely in the Heaven you never left, except in your mind.

Enough for today ? . . . ♥

~The world only appears imperfect to the Perfect Mind that thinks imperfectly~

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, finder, God, Hope, Jesus, lake of fire, Love, money, path, Paul of Tarsus, salvation, seek, seeker, Spirit, spiritual, stress, truth, Uncategorized, within, Xanax on May 22, 2013 by david1963

 When you know God the Father is Perfection.

{Wait, let me digress a bit and then go ahead. I am a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ, so I am inclined by scientific application through practical knowledge (not belief) to understand via life experience that the teachings of Jesus Christ are true. I am not implying that there are not other teachers whom can lead One to Salvation the way Christ does. However, I am implying that I do not follow the teachings of Saul of Tarsus called the Apostle Paul or John of revelation just to name two.  King James has his version of Christianity, and Jesus teaches a completely different version to Salvation.} 

That being stated, when you come to the realization that death is a fearful dream instilled by the devil, your ego to keep you from obtaining Salvation, Enlightenment or Self-realization, you understand that you have a fear mind and a Love Mind operating in the field of consciousness within you. 

This fearful mind is called by Christ the devil. The Love Mind is called by Christ His Father. His Father is Your Father when you are a follower of Jesus Christ.  As a follower of Christ you are entitled to His Consciousness through your understanding, (You have now accepted Christ as Your Personal Saviour). When you understand that death is false, and only eternal life exists you have followed your Savior within to the Kingdom of Heaven. 

To be a follower of Jesus Christ requires that you “surrender” what you Previously believed, and allow Christ, via your Holy Spirit within to teach you the truth of your existence.

The Pharisees or Sanhedrin wanted Jesus to teach them to “walk on water” when they stilled believed the God of the Talmud and Torah. They wanted Him to PROVE the existence of God without having faith in what He taught. This cannot not happen very simply beacuse they still had a fear of God.

You cannot enter ‘someplace’ that you are afraid to enter. You will not go into the Promised land because you “fear the giants.”

You are so very safe Beloved ❤

Enough for today. . .<3

‘YES-Terd-Ay’ was your story. Tomorrow is a ‘MY-stery’

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, finder, God, Hope, Jesus, lake of fire, Love, money, path, Paul of Tarsus, salvation, seek, seeker, Spirit, spiritual, stress, truth, within, Xanax on May 21, 2013 by david1963

Clarity comes of reason and reason comes from truth. The Truth sets you free. Belief keeps you trapped in the yesterdays and tomorrows.

You have a “Story” but it aint true.  It’s made up by your ego, the devil.

Your story is a concept built out of a construct based on fear and death. Fear and death only appear to be reality. You can only receive what you are willing to accept.  If you do not accept Eternal Life as a viable option, then death, sin and an angry God seem plausible to you. Not true only plausible.

You must understand the teachings of Jesus before you can apply them to your current existence. Jesus Christ Did Not teach what King James implies in his version. I know this is not the good news that you wanted to hear and you will at first blush think that what I am saying is not the truth.  That I am Anti-Christian. I am anti-fear, I am Pro-Love.

I was just as bewildered as you may be right now when I had to let go of long-held family religious beliefs. It is scary and the fear results in anger at first.

This is why in the book of Thomas that was not one of the canonical gospels used by King James, Jesus Christ tells His followers, as the Truth dawns on you, “At first you will be disturbed then you will Marvel, then you will Reign and Rule, then Rest.” 

Enough for today. . .


Letting go of desire and attachment’s Cause you become a magnet for your desires.

Posted in Uncategorized on May 21, 2013 by david1963

I am smiling at myself today
There’s no wish left in this heart
Or perhaps there is no heart left
Free from all desire
I sit quietly like Earth
… My silent cry echoes like thunder
Throughout the universe
I am not worried about it
I know it will be heard by no one
Except me.