Archive for September, 2018

Christians must heal the world through LOVE!

Posted in addiction, dream, enlightenment, fear, forgiveness, God, hell fire, Jesus, Jesus Christ, lake of fire, money, salvation, stress on September 26, 2018 by david1963
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“A TIME COMES WHEN SILENCE IS BETRAYAL.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke these words in a sermon entitled Beyond Vietnam in New York city on April 4, 1967. He was telling the American people that it is not easy as the truth descends upon your non violent mind and you realize the mysterious nature of our existence to tell others that they have been misguided by generations of  “false understandings” based on misdirected generational CORE BELIEFS.
 Here is link to his entire prophetic message:

We are using for this writing Dr. Kings opening line, A TIME COMES WHEN SILENCE IS BETRAYAL, to shine light on another misunderstanding of the Christian gospel. The Christian gospel or “good news”, is not to experience Jesus Christ after we die a bodily death. But it is instead to See Jesus Christ before we die, as was recorded in the “acts and memoirs” of the Apostles. We as Christians who have begun to unconditionally forgive thus “love our enemies”, COME TO UNDERSTAND that silence about the resurrection of Jesus Christ is to betray Him. We betray Him unconsciously by judging others and harboring enemies. We have NO enemies, just spiritual brothers and sisters. We are as Dr. King teaches us, one MANKIND.

Paul tells us in this passage of Ephesians that as we begin to let Jesus Christ awaken us from the sleep of Adam the mysteries of God are revealed to us, HIS DISCIPLES. 
“And so here I am, preaching and writing about things that are way over my head, the inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ. My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God, who created all this in the first place, has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. Through followers of Jesus like yourselves gathered in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels!”  Ephesians 3:9-10 The Message (MSG)

The “Great Commission” as disclosed to His disciples 2000 years ago could be restated in modern English without translations and concordances’, simply as: Go tell everyone I AM HERE. As you now know I have resurrected from the crucifixion and OUR Father has given me all authority in heaven and earth. BUT you, MY DISCIPLES, MUST OBEY EVERYTHING that I have commanded that you do in order to KNOW this truth that sets you free. Ask anything of OUR Father in my name according to His will, and you shall receive the thing asked for. I will be with you until I AWAKEN YOU from the “sleep of Adam”, so be of good cheer.

There is no doubt that our world is dying. It is dying because of our betrayal to follow the commandments or teachings of Jesus Christ Himself. When He commands HIS DISCIPLES to LOVE THY ENEMIES, and we don’t! The authority OUR Father gave OUR Savior Jesus Christ on our behalf, is usurped by our unwillingness to love one another. Thus, our mind remains split between love and fear. We fear those whom we judge, and we will love those to whom we forgive.

We are told to make disciples to make disciples, not war. But you must be a disciple to be able to disciple. If you think war is acceptable in any form, you PRECLUDE from YOURSELF the awareness of the Kingdom of Heaven refered to by Dr. King 50 years ago as, “the promised land.” The Holy Spirits Voice appears silent to those who love war.

There is an experience that comes with putting into PRACTICAL APPLICATION the teachings of Jesus Christ. This experience is the awareness that He did in fact resurrect to the Kingdom of God, and He NEVER Left Us alone.

Dr. King teaches us that the church MUST usher in the second coming of Jesus Christ THROUGH nonviolence.  The political systems of this world are ill equipped and unable to do the SPIRITUAL THINGS REQUIRED for emancipation from war and violence to the awareness of Eternal Life. But the church is equipped! We have the needed written word, now we need to put His teachings into PRACTICAL APPLICATION in our lives to see and experience a peace of mind that surpasses all intellectual understanding.

As the church or BODY OF CHRIST begins its prodigal walk back home, OUR Father sees “us” from a far off, and prepares for our arrival. When war ends in the disciples mind, it sees no more homeless brothers and sisters. It sees no addicted brothers and sisters. And it certainly does not see any more veteran suicides. IT SEES instead the “Promised Land” spoken about by Moses 3500 years ago, which Dr. King told us about as recently as ONLY 50 YEARS AGO!

“I may not get their with you!”, was our brother Martin telling us, DON’T GIVE UP!!; I Have SEEN the Promised Land! And Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ lives!


sanity is restored by peace

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, forgiveness, Hope, Jesus, Jesus Christ, lake of fire, Matthew 10 NIV, meditation, money, Paramahansa, Paramahansa Yogananda, Paul of Tarsus, salvation, seeker, Spirit, spiritual, Yogananda on September 13, 2018 by david1963
“Let not a man glory in this, that he love his country; Let him rather glory in this, that he love his kind.” ~Persian proverb

“Keep your sanity, for all that take up the sword shall perish with the sword.” ~Jesus Christ (He was telling Peter, “FORGIVE! “)

“The more weapons of violence, the more misery to mankind,” Lao-tzu taught. “The triumph of violence ends in a festival of morning.”

“Resort to force in the Great War (I) failed to bring tranquility.” Franklin D. Roosevelt pointed out. “Victory and defeat were alike sterile. That lesson the world should have learned.”

Nonviolence is the natural result of forgiveness and love. Unconditional forgiveness restores sanity by restoring love. Forgiveness and gentleness are the qualities of the disciples of Jesus Christ. They come to be the representatives of eternal virtue.
In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus Christ is instructing His disciples on His expectations for them. Resist not evil [ with evil ]: Unconditionally forgive them (your enemies) so much after they have smite (strike with a firm blow) you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

There are REASONS enlightened men and women taught nonviolence. Because our Father in heaven supports it!! Think, is it sane to send children overseas to kill people? Can a Christian kill someone, or send someone else to kill someone for them and enter into eternal peace? A disciple of Jesus Christ makes a U turn the moment he or she realizes for themselves, by THINKING FOR THEMSELVES, that they have been generationally bamboozled.

The Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life can only be attained through peace and love. Hate and strife are concepts blindly believed in by those among us who have not yet realized, war is insanity. A disciple of Jesus Christ has given up trying to be right at the cost of being happy. The juice was just no longer worth the squeeze. Happiness is not obtained by intellectual superiority. Happiness results from a calm peaceful mind at rest knowing that the Savior Jesus Christ resurrected 2000 years ago, and He NEVER LEFT US ALONE!

We are psychologically insane if we continue to blindly believe that we can support or finance war and ever see Jesus Christ in person. He stays hidden from a mind not willing to follow His commandment to love one another. Not because He is hiding. But because you fear Him. You, for whom you would attack you fear. Enemies are feared before they are attacked. Jesus Christ stands unseen and unknown behind every set of eyes you encounter. This is unknown to a mind hell bent on war.

We must all become prodigal sons and think for a moment, in my Father’s house no body went to war. The church based on the king James version is of no use to humanity if it does not repent of war, and RETURN TO CHRIST. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr told us that a country in a continual war, is headed for “spiritual doom.”

We are helpless without God. And yes this war-ing generation is “doomed” unless it asks for Gods help. You need a spiritual component to end war, and God is That Spiritual component. The best human endeavor is of no effect without Gods blessing behind it. Prayer is a call to sanity. It is a call to self-purification, to an inward search.

We must not peer out on a world with blind eyes to find fault in others. We must instead look within ourselves, without guilt and condemnation, (Jesus Christ Atoned for those), and find out what’s keeping ME FROM HEAVEN? Fruit of the spirit is acquired through understanding, and a WILLINGNESS to change long held generational family beliefs if they conflict with experience. Experience is the “grader” of your beliefs. If your beliefs are real and based in truth then your faith proves it TO YOU. If your BELIEFS however are FALSE, then there is NO EXPERIENCE.

“Except you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” ~Jesus Christ.

 Faith in something, anything, without an experience, is a dead religion. A religion is a method of obtaining something of value. In the case of the teachings of Jesus Christ, the something of value is the awareness of ETERNAL LIFE. The method or “religion” of Jesus Christ is unconditional forgiveness, 70X7. The results are more convincing than the words, and can only come about by putting the teachings of Jesus Christ into PRACTICAL APPLICATION in your life. No one can eat your food for you. No one can experience the resurrection except you.

Mahatma Gandhi stated in his doctrine these words about the non violent alternatives to armed might. “I have found that life persists in the midst of destruction. Therefore there must be a higher law than that of destruction. Only under that law would well-ordered society be intelligible and life worth living. Wherever there are wars, wherever we are confronted with an opponent, conquer them with love. It takes a fairly strenuous course of training to attain a mental state of nonviolence. It is a disciplined life, like the life of a soldier. The perfect state is reached only when the mind, body, and speech are in proper coordination.
Every problem would lend itself to solution if we determined to make the law of truth and nonviolence the law of life.”

Peace of mind is the goal of the curriculum outlined by Jesus Christ to His disciples. Loving thy enemies is at the CORE of the program. Simply because, WE HAVE NO ENEMIES. Peace will come to your mind by your willingness to forgive and no longer judge “your” enemies. You were created “enemy-less” but insisted on your own autonomy. This self government being unreal, (“which was made real, by having enemies”), is you’re doing, not Gods.

The self governing ego, in an attempt to usurp the power of God, made for itself enemies by judging our Father’s creation as imperfect. Imperfection is of man not God. God created His Creation in His Image, and man made his world in his image.

The world you see is an imagery state of being. Imagery because, the future has always been 100% imagined! Time is an imaginative concept believed to be true by the sons and daughters of man, but in reality time does not exist at all except for in a mind asleep. We don’t have mental peace 24/7 because we are afraid. But what we fear does not exist, no one understands this except for the disciples of Jesus Christ who have chosen love over fear. Jesus Christ will PROVE fear to be false if we will unconditionally forgive everyone in an attempt to love them.

God was not insane at the time of creation, creating war-ing peoples. War is the outcrop of psychological oppression brought about by generations of Christians who believe it is OK to harm their enemies. War, and all the ideas surrounding war are insane to a disciple of the risen Jesus Christ. The wounding of others in thought, feeling, word, or deed is incomprehensible to one who wants to see Jesus Christ for themselves.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr tells us that if a Christian continues to blindly believe that war is tolerable, he or she is headed for a spiritual catastrophe. The spiritual catastrophe for the king James Christians is never being able to see OR hear their Savior. We “work inequalities” when we do not follow His teachings. Jesus Christ tells us that our actions of love “should talk”; like He demonstrated, under far less extreme circumstances.

When we are upset or angry at Anyone for Anything, and do not pray and call on the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ for “assistance”, we are the workers of inequality, or bias. (Bias is prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair).

In closing, Now is the time for the disciples of Jesus Christ to contact Him, and not after a future perceived “physical ruin.” All our “after death beliefs” are NOTHING, just thoughts.

 When we turn from our evil thoughts, and realize that we are spirit not matter, but actual vibrating “Lights of creation” perceived as energy, death will become again an absurd formulation of thought no longer entertained as reasonable. We will remember what we once knew before time began in our mind, and that is: that we are in fact the invulnerable Children of God, deathless and incapable of harm.