Archive for the devil Category

sanity is restored by peace

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, forgiveness, Hope, Jesus, Jesus Christ, lake of fire, Matthew 10 NIV, meditation, money, Paramahansa, Paramahansa Yogananda, Paul of Tarsus, salvation, seeker, Spirit, spiritual, Yogananda on September 13, 2018 by david1963
“Let not a man glory in this, that he love his country; Let him rather glory in this, that he love his kind.” ~Persian proverb

“Keep your sanity, for all that take up the sword shall perish with the sword.” ~Jesus Christ (He was telling Peter, “FORGIVE! “)

“The more weapons of violence, the more misery to mankind,” Lao-tzu taught. “The triumph of violence ends in a festival of morning.”

“Resort to force in the Great War (I) failed to bring tranquility.” Franklin D. Roosevelt pointed out. “Victory and defeat were alike sterile. That lesson the world should have learned.”

Nonviolence is the natural result of forgiveness and love. Unconditional forgiveness restores sanity by restoring love. Forgiveness and gentleness are the qualities of the disciples of Jesus Christ. They come to be the representatives of eternal virtue.
In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus Christ is instructing His disciples on His expectations for them. Resist not evil [ with evil ]: Unconditionally forgive them (your enemies) so much after they have smite (strike with a firm blow) you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

There are REASONS enlightened men and women taught nonviolence. Because our Father in heaven supports it!! Think, is it sane to send children overseas to kill people? Can a Christian kill someone, or send someone else to kill someone for them and enter into eternal peace? A disciple of Jesus Christ makes a U turn the moment he or she realizes for themselves, by THINKING FOR THEMSELVES, that they have been generationally bamboozled.

The Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life can only be attained through peace and love. Hate and strife are concepts blindly believed in by those among us who have not yet realized, war is insanity. A disciple of Jesus Christ has given up trying to be right at the cost of being happy. The juice was just no longer worth the squeeze. Happiness is not obtained by intellectual superiority. Happiness results from a calm peaceful mind at rest knowing that the Savior Jesus Christ resurrected 2000 years ago, and He NEVER LEFT US ALONE!

We are psychologically insane if we continue to blindly believe that we can support or finance war and ever see Jesus Christ in person. He stays hidden from a mind not willing to follow His commandment to love one another. Not because He is hiding. But because you fear Him. You, for whom you would attack you fear. Enemies are feared before they are attacked. Jesus Christ stands unseen and unknown behind every set of eyes you encounter. This is unknown to a mind hell bent on war.

We must all become prodigal sons and think for a moment, in my Father’s house no body went to war. The church based on the king James version is of no use to humanity if it does not repent of war, and RETURN TO CHRIST. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr told us that a country in a continual war, is headed for “spiritual doom.”

We are helpless without God. And yes this war-ing generation is “doomed” unless it asks for Gods help. You need a spiritual component to end war, and God is That Spiritual component. The best human endeavor is of no effect without Gods blessing behind it. Prayer is a call to sanity. It is a call to self-purification, to an inward search.

We must not peer out on a world with blind eyes to find fault in others. We must instead look within ourselves, without guilt and condemnation, (Jesus Christ Atoned for those), and find out what’s keeping ME FROM HEAVEN? Fruit of the spirit is acquired through understanding, and a WILLINGNESS to change long held generational family beliefs if they conflict with experience. Experience is the “grader” of your beliefs. If your beliefs are real and based in truth then your faith proves it TO YOU. If your BELIEFS however are FALSE, then there is NO EXPERIENCE.

“Except you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” ~Jesus Christ.

 Faith in something, anything, without an experience, is a dead religion. A religion is a method of obtaining something of value. In the case of the teachings of Jesus Christ, the something of value is the awareness of ETERNAL LIFE. The method or “religion” of Jesus Christ is unconditional forgiveness, 70X7. The results are more convincing than the words, and can only come about by putting the teachings of Jesus Christ into PRACTICAL APPLICATION in your life. No one can eat your food for you. No one can experience the resurrection except you.

Mahatma Gandhi stated in his doctrine these words about the non violent alternatives to armed might. “I have found that life persists in the midst of destruction. Therefore there must be a higher law than that of destruction. Only under that law would well-ordered society be intelligible and life worth living. Wherever there are wars, wherever we are confronted with an opponent, conquer them with love. It takes a fairly strenuous course of training to attain a mental state of nonviolence. It is a disciplined life, like the life of a soldier. The perfect state is reached only when the mind, body, and speech are in proper coordination.
Every problem would lend itself to solution if we determined to make the law of truth and nonviolence the law of life.”

Peace of mind is the goal of the curriculum outlined by Jesus Christ to His disciples. Loving thy enemies is at the CORE of the program. Simply because, WE HAVE NO ENEMIES. Peace will come to your mind by your willingness to forgive and no longer judge “your” enemies. You were created “enemy-less” but insisted on your own autonomy. This self government being unreal, (“which was made real, by having enemies”), is you’re doing, not Gods.

The self governing ego, in an attempt to usurp the power of God, made for itself enemies by judging our Father’s creation as imperfect. Imperfection is of man not God. God created His Creation in His Image, and man made his world in his image.

The world you see is an imagery state of being. Imagery because, the future has always been 100% imagined! Time is an imaginative concept believed to be true by the sons and daughters of man, but in reality time does not exist at all except for in a mind asleep. We don’t have mental peace 24/7 because we are afraid. But what we fear does not exist, no one understands this except for the disciples of Jesus Christ who have chosen love over fear. Jesus Christ will PROVE fear to be false if we will unconditionally forgive everyone in an attempt to love them.

God was not insane at the time of creation, creating war-ing peoples. War is the outcrop of psychological oppression brought about by generations of Christians who believe it is OK to harm their enemies. War, and all the ideas surrounding war are insane to a disciple of the risen Jesus Christ. The wounding of others in thought, feeling, word, or deed is incomprehensible to one who wants to see Jesus Christ for themselves.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr tells us that if a Christian continues to blindly believe that war is tolerable, he or she is headed for a spiritual catastrophe. The spiritual catastrophe for the king James Christians is never being able to see OR hear their Savior. We “work inequalities” when we do not follow His teachings. Jesus Christ tells us that our actions of love “should talk”; like He demonstrated, under far less extreme circumstances.

When we are upset or angry at Anyone for Anything, and do not pray and call on the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ for “assistance”, we are the workers of inequality, or bias. (Bias is prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair).

In closing, Now is the time for the disciples of Jesus Christ to contact Him, and not after a future perceived “physical ruin.” All our “after death beliefs” are NOTHING, just thoughts.

 When we turn from our evil thoughts, and realize that we are spirit not matter, but actual vibrating “Lights of creation” perceived as energy, death will become again an absurd formulation of thought no longer entertained as reasonable. We will remember what we once knew before time began in our mind, and that is: that we are in fact the invulnerable Children of God, deathless and incapable of harm.

Kingdom of Heaven

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, finder, forgiveness, Hope, Jesus on August 8, 2018 by david1963

We need no method for the entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven because we never left.

Religious texts called “holy” in this world are nothing more or less than guideposts to the destination implied. The expression of love the holy texts imply is only manifested by the reader who is willing to apply the teachings.

For example the early Christian’s would never take up arms against their enemies. They put into PRACTICAL APPLICATION the NONVIOLENT TEACHINGS of Jesus Christ. They would see the Christian’s of today as greatly deceived by their willingness to go to war and send others to kill their enemies.

Nonviolence is the only way to world peace. Jesus Christ taught it, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Proved it to be true. The NONVIOLENT are not naïve, far from it. The nonviolent are God dependent for protection through understanding that Jesus Christ RESURRECTED to the Kingdom of God, the Mind of God.

Jesus Christ TOLD the Sanhedrin that their holy book had served its purpose. That they no longer needed to lug a book around for fear God would strike them dead. He TOLD them that the Kingdom of God was not found after death OR in the Torah, but that God was in fact within them. Jesus Christ could not honor mans Sabbath. He came to prove the Sabbath a farce, that EVERYDAY Is the “Sabbath.”

How long you got? The rich-fool “thought” he had one more day to play in this hell. This hell is not your reality nor your “home”, though you believe that it is.
Turn over everything that you desire to Jesus Christ and He will make certain that you receive the desires of your heart.

Be patient with the Holy Spirit within the Kingdom of God. He knows the Way Home, you do not. Listen to His Guidance. He must become more and more real to you. This awareness of the Holy Spirit is obtained through what you See He does “for you.”

ALL YOUR PROBLEMS ARE PAST! The awareness of this is the acceptance of the Atonement for yourself.

In closing, no longer be deceived by the blind belief in “tomorrow” or “yesterday”, today is all that matters, today is all there Is.
GET THIS: The “future” is 100%IMAGINED!! You are Sprit asleep dreaming a dream of attachment to money for salvation. (a “sleep fell on Adam”, never does the Torah tell us he “woke-up”)
Allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify your future through a Sanctified imagination and nothing will be wanting.
A “Sanctified Imagination” is obtained through Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is obtained through peace of mind. Peace of mind is the condition of heaven brought about by Unconditional Forgiveness of “your perceived enemies.”

Ps. (book) RADICAL SEEKER ~uncover hidden truths – eliminate needless suffering ~ Soon to be published.

Accepting and understanding the Atonement

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, forgiveness, God, hell fire, Jesus, Paramahansa, Paramahansa Yogananda, seeker, Spirit, stress, Yogananda on November 3, 2017 by david1963

To accept and understand what the Atonement is, we must first accept what it is not.
The Atonement is not mans idea. It is Gods Idea and releases you from all your past mistakes. The Atonement releases us from the hell we have made of our lives.

The Atonement is not a means whereby you correct your past mistakes or “sins.” Jesus Christ did this for you in His resurrection.

The Atonement does not require that you do anything. It does however require that you let the Holy Spirit do everything for you.
For example in the case of unwanted drug usage. You do not quit because it is “bad, wicked or evil” you stop because the Holy Spirit has conveyed its insanity to you. No one can be addicted to anything because God did not create addiction. Addiction is a concept, that once believed, becomes diabolical until you learn it is Not true.
Why would anyone believe something that is not true? Because they were Told that it was true by someone they believed.

Drugs only make the body feel different, not “better”, “different.” The reason for the insanity is this: the mind does not like the way it feels so it attacks the body in an attempt to feel better. This is why drugs don’t work. It is a mental illness projected onto the body. The body is not the problem the mind is.
Unconditional forgiveness releases the burden of the body by giving you peace where once you believed only drugs could do that and they did not last.

However, Christ does last. He is in your mind as your higher spirit in a very literal sense. You must seek for Him to know that He is there. This is foolishness and “frightening” to your ego. Your ego is that aspect of your personality that has been trained by this world. There is another world that Jesus Christ refers to as heaven. This heaven is obtained by love. When you unconditionally forgive another, you are sending love to them and yourself.

This Self is the Son of God. You are one with everything and everyone but are unaware because of the belief in enemies. The concept “enemies” is as insane a concept as is “addiction.” When you no longer believe you have enemies you will see that everyone comes to you with merciful intent. Same with any “addiction” when you no longer believe you are “addicted” you will not be. YOU ARE NOT ALONE IS THIS PROCESS OF ATONEMENT.
The blessed Lord Jesus Christ hears your Every request as He is one with the Father.

We must as Born Again Christians unite under the resurrected Christ and not the crucified Jesus. Jesus is not crucified. He has resurrected and is where He told His disciples He was going to resurrect to, WITHIN them. The Kingdom of God is WITHIN your current consciousness now unknown by you. We must be lead out of hell by the Holy Spirit of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.

Even as these words are being written my ego or trained personality recoils or fears the thought of this world not being eternally real. Because if it (this world) is not eternally real then nothing I believe about this world can be real. Jesus tells His disciples be in the world but not of it. The reason is simply it is not eternal.

To experience the Kingdom of Heaven here now we must love everyone the same. I must love my wife, my son, my daughter, my brothers and sisters, and my enemies the same. The ego or trained personality cannot do this with out Help. Help we have in the form of the Holy Spirit.

This letter is an attempt to convey the spirit of the teachings of Jesus Christ. He tells us that we are blind and can’t see. He tells us that He has overcome our deafness and blindness. This overcoming of Christ is the Atonement of Jesus.

To know the truth that sets us free we must seek until we have found the truth within the Kingdom of God. This finding is Salvation. Everyone is already “saved” even the atheist. It is the awareness that you are saved by Jesus Christ that brings you eternal joy.

Christians for the past 400 years have become greatly deceived about Christ’s resurrection due to their generational family beliefs that were not true. King James did not give us all the information in his book of books from 1611.

In the book of Luke chapter seventeen verses twenty and twenty-one  Jesus is teaching the Sanhedrin that Gods Kingdom is within them. Not after you die as king James’ version would lead us to believe.
Because of the king James version we (Christians) have over 41,000 Different religions that stem from one book of books for the church of England in 1611.

In the books Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus is continually telling the religious rulers that they are lost. They did not practice unconditional forgiveness and non judgment. Thus they could not see or experience that Kingdom which Jesus was teaching them about. Nicodemus however did. He understood the insanity of judgment prior to investigation. In other words Nicodemus knew Jesus was the Christ. Just as you will by your willingness to love and not hate your enemies.

Unconditional forgiveness restores and renews our mind away from fear and hate back to love and joy. The new mind gives us a different view. This different view is the vision of Christ. This vision comes out of your willingness to forgive and love everyone.

In closing, the disciples of Jesus Christ are here to serve the lord. We serve Him by listening to His Holy Spirit within the Kingdom of God. As we do this more and more often we become aware that He has in fact resurrected. We then become God dependent knowing the truth that has set us free.

This is an excerpt from the book: RADICAL SEEKER

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, Ego, fear, forgiveness, God, hell fire, Jesus, meditation, money, Paramahansa Yogananda, salvation, seek, Spirit, spiritual, stress, truth, Yogananda on September 28, 2017 by david1963

Surrendering to the Holy Spirit is acquired by the process of the Atonement. As a follower of Jesus He is our Guide. We hear Him through the Holy Spirit.

Here is a passage from a children’s nursery rhyme The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams talking about the Atonement process. She uses the word Real in place of Atonement:

“Does it hurt?” asked the Rabbit.
“Sometimes,” said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. “When you are Real, you don’t mind being hurt.”
“Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,” he asked, “or bit by bit?”
“It doesn’t happen all at once,” said the Skin Horse.
“You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t often happen to people who break easy, or have sharp edges, or have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once your Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”

How and what must “i” go through?
The RADICAL SEEKER is brave,
fearless, daring, dauntless, valiant, intrepid, undaunted, undismayed, confident, heroic, bold, adventurous, gallant, stout, lion-hearted, strong, stalwart, unflinching, and unyielding in Christ Jesus!

Escape from suffering and death is the purpose of the RADICAL SEEKER’S unyielding search for Christ within the ‘Kingdom of God’, the Mind.

The Point of No Return

There comes a point of no return back to the old way of life or “thinking.” This point is reached by traveling through the Atonement process. Dr. Martin Luther King reached this point and tells about it in his Call at Midnight sermon. You come to a point in time where it is just you and your Savior Jesus Christ. Until this point is reached you have relied on your own way of thinking and judgment. Now it is impossible because you realize that your judgment has been over seen by a Higher Source without your real understanding. This Higher Source has been guiding you on your journey to salvation and now you have to know “Him.” He if you are a RADICAL SEEKER is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. His form remains unseen until all you want to manifest is the truth.

Truth is the same for everyone. What appears to be different truths is the ego, its concepts and judgments. Unconditional forgiveness kept in mind allows for the truth to return to your full awareness. Until the point of no return is reached the mind is split between love and fear. Sometimes being Guided by the Holy Spirit and love, but most often guided by the ego and fear. When the decision is made, by faith, only to listen to the Holy Spirit, a new vision dawns. You come to realize you are dreaming and the only way out is to no longer buy into the fear, threats and tactics of the ego. With faith in Christ Jesus you walk unharmed through seeming terror thus realizing that all your scary or fearful thoughts were nothing more than ideas perpetrated by an ego that was trained to be afraid of the future and of the Father, our Divine Loving Creative Source from whence we came.

We did not create ourselves, nor do we need to care for ourselves. The transition is the reason why this book was written. RADICAL SEEKER is an attempt to convey your invulnerability to you, first in the written word, and then by your putting your faith into practical application. Fear not that all your attachments will be taken from you if you “give everything to the poor and follow me.” The Lord Jesus Christ is gentle. He understands your dilemma and your blind belief in birth and death. The son of man was born that he may come to realize that he is in fact a Son of God. Jesus walked this earth as a man just as you and I appear to be doing now. He knew however that He was spirit and not “flesh and bone as you see me.”

The realization that you are as He is, is salvation. Salvation is achieved through the Atonement process. Salvation shows you everything that you have ever believed to be fearful is not true. You have no more trials or tribulations when you surrender by faith and turn your mind/life over to Christ. Trials are lessons, BUT THEY END! Tribulation is fear and IT’S NOT REAL! TEST HIS SPIRIT AND YOU HAVE YOUR EYES OPENED FOR YOU!

The RADICAL SEEKER loves Jesus, loves his brothers and sisters and his enemies. The RADICAL SEEKER is a disciple of the Risen Christ       (no period)       The RADICAL SEEKER has put the teachings of Jesus Christ into practical application consistently and has become aware of His Presence within the Kingdom of God. Salvation is the reward of your inheritance for “returning back to the Garden and your Heavenly Father.” The prodigal RADICAL SEEKER has tried many things some of which are work, sex, gambling, organized religion, money, 12 step programs, fame, an even success to fulfill the “desires of the flesh” and still thinks “my Fathers servant’s” are doing better than this.

Fear is hell. Heaven is what hell was prior to the Atonement of Christ Jesus. Heaven, like hell, is not a place, it is a state of mind that surpasses all intellectual understanding. Heaven is salvations “Promised Land.” Jesus never taught His disciples that heaven was reached after death, nothing is reached after death. In fact, Jesus taught; “Repent (go the other way, within) the Kingdom of Heaven is At-Hand!” Or, make up with your Father, reconcile with Him by keeping unconditional forgiveness in your mind, He wants to give you Paradise now.

God is not mad and feeling guilty is insanity, Guilt is discussed in Chapter 4. Guilt is the egos weapon of choice against the son of man. Guilt is manipulation. By “feeling guilty” the mind, Not realizing it is Not a body becomes a slave to the body, and attacks itself, endlessly, this is “eternal hell.”

Jesus was not trying to frighten anyone. Eternal hell is self punishment for not understanding the true nature of reality. Eternal hell is to be forever afraid. Fear is hell because fear is insanity. To be afraid of anything is to not Know Thyself or your Heavenly Father. The Father loves you no matter your past “son of man sins”, they have all been Atoned for by our Lord and RISEN Savior Jesus Christ. “Sins” are guilty past thoughts, or anxious future thoughts brought into the present. They are not real. They are not hear now. No one remembers them except you! You have a Master cognitive therapist within the Kingdom of God. He awaits your welcome. The reason Jesus is the Master cognitive therapist is because He “ascended unto the Father” for you. His consciousness became one with the Father and still is. The possibilities are literally staggering to the disciple who realizes that Jesus Christ resurrected 2000 years ago and never left.  Their Savior can be known.

Saint Paul prior to his spiritual awakening on the road to Damascus did not believe that Jesus had Risen unto the Father until His (Jesus’) spirit spoke to his spirit.  Of course this is utter foolishness to anyone who blindly believes that God drowned children in a great flood. If fact a “great flood” is blasphemous to a disciple of the Risen Christ who sees such blind beliefs about a Loving Father as insanity. The sons and daughters of men blindly believe outrageous stories and brazen lies out of their fear of God. Never questioning the source of this fear. To restate an earlier statement; fear is hell. If we blindly believe that God created hell then we can never Know that He did not!

As we begin to understand more hidden truths by putting into practical application the teaching’s of Jesus Christ we see that He is directing His disciples into a new way of thinking. Jesus was new age 2000 years ago. Quantum physicists are only now in the 21st century discovering the “oneness” that Jesus spoke of experiencing. The “Father and I are One” is a declaration that God was with Him and in everything. Quantum physicists cannot describe actually what holds us all together and that we are all connected in some way, except to say, it’s real!  God’s Kingdom is in everything and everywhere. It is first experienced within your mind. Hence “The Kingdom of God IS within you!”

Love will Guide you to the point of no return safely. Jesus wills to receive you. In the same way as an elder Brother would receive a brother or sister they had forgotten since time began. When you see Him, and you will as a RADICAL SEEKER, you will then Know you never knew Him not.

It’s not of this World Beloved

Posted in addiction, anxiety, dark night of the soul, devil, dream, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, forgiveness, God, hell fire, Hope, Jesus, meditation, seeker, Spirit, spiritual, within on April 2, 2016 by david1963

The Prophet Mohammed called it “Paradise”, Buddha called it “Nirvana”, and Jesus the Christ called it the “Kingdom of Heaven.”
They were all referring to a state of consciousness that is not of this world; yet it can be experienced in this world.

  Many “believe”, and falsely, that eternal peace and happiness is obtained after the death of the body. Using just a little reason can show us that the body is not ultimately real. It, the body, was not here 100 years ago, and it will not be here 100 years from now.


Keeping this in mind, lets see why we believe, what we believe. “Believers”, no matter their “religions” all believe in the possibility of an after death punishment for “non-believers.”

Beliefs are a cover up for the fear of God. Why are we afraid of our creative source? The reason is, we have been generationally brainwashed to “blindly believe” that God is vengeful. Because we “believe” that the body is real, we form “beliefs” to protect it after death. “Hellfire” for example was invented by the Pharaoh to keeps his spiritual slaves in slavery.
The threat of an “after death punishment” by God has kept men in bondage for an unimaginable expanse of time. Why does no one question their “holy book?” Why do men blindly believe in the Torah, Koran or Bible? Fear. This is not by accident. Spiritual slavery keeps men in bondage without their awareness or knowledge of this bondage. No one believes that they have been brainwashed. It fact, the EGO is so proud, that it “believes” it cannot be brainwashed. The EGO is that part of our consciousness that Christ calls the “devil.”

How do we “undo” brainwashing? First we must realize that to judge another is to be dishonest. To judge properly we would have to have All the facts, past, present and to come. A man who is brainwashed “believes” that if someone does not “believe” as they do, then they are wrong.

Unconditional forgiveness reconciles judgment. So, unconditional forgiveness (7ox7), restores the mind back to reason. What reason does an all loving creator have to punish His creation? He doesn’t. That would make the creator insane. Religion has made an image of God in their own likeness.

The three major religions of the world do not use reason when trying to understand God. This too is not by accident. Reason would clearly show that to drown children in a “great flood” would be insane. God creating something then killing it?!?

Life is eternal. Love is eternal. The mind is sick that believes to harm another is sane. If the religion’s of this world realized this, war would end. A Christian who “believes” it is ok to go to war, is suffering from insanity, and is very much unaware of his sickness because of the generational brainwashing produced by the blind belief in the king of England’s religious manifesto entitled the “holy bible.” Nor do they realize that the second coming of Jesus is the resurrection of Christ within them!

We Must seek to know ourselves. We can only know ourselves by “Asking our-Self.”
Our Self is contained within our current “personality” or consciousness. Asking, is done by allowing the mind to be stilled in silence, with the intent of obtaining Truth. This is not “hearing voices”, or a form of mental illness. It is faith in what Jesus teaches His disciples, that, “the kingdom of God Is within YOU.” It the Truth that sets them Free!

MEDITATION is the key to knowledge. Knowledge of this world by men of this world is nonsense. Knowledge of Paradise is real knowledge. Because real Knowledge produces wisdom, and Wisdom is Experiential Knowledge.

Faith in a religion or method that does not produce the sought after result, i.e. inner peace, joy or happiness is a false religion. The “religion” or method of Jesus of Nazareth, Is UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS.

Unconditional Forgiveness renews the mind, forgiveness Renews Your MIND!

Jesus has been called by many names over the centuries. He was a man like you and I. He examined consciousness from the inside out, not from the outside in. By doing this He came to a Self realization that He was “One with Everything.”
Realizing this, He wanted Everyone to know. The religious rulers of His day, like today, were extremely judgmental. For fear they would lose their perceived power. And they did! Henceforth the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

But that is only half the story. Jesus resurrected and is within Everyone’s consciousness who Asks for His Guidance!  Of course this is foolish nonsense to a  society that believes war is OK. War is insanity!

This world was given to us/YOU by y/our “Father in Heaven.” Jesus taught God as masculine Because He was teaching to generationally brainwashed “believers” of the Torah who viewed God as masculine.
(Jesus knew all holy books are dead letters.) God is not in a book, He is within His Consciousness that is “within you.” Jesus teaches His disciples that the “kingdom of heaven is within You!”

King James church is the result of a systematic, generational brainwashing campaign that began over 400 years ago, (1611).
When Christians realize Jesus Is within the kingdom of God, Now, and that His kingdom Is within them, they will experience the second coming of Christ, and the sham of the “holy bible” will be recognized.

To become aware of the salvation of Christ we must accept His Atonement. The Atonement, is the undoing of false beliefs. Christ Atoned by His resurrection, not by the crucifixion. Very few experience the resurrected Savior because they do not “Love Thy enemies!!” We have NO ENEMIES we only “believe” we do.

Let me digress for a moment. Television is the modern-day “holy bible.” Television is a “propaganda machine.” Television is a drug. A drug used to brainwash the minds of men so they never become the Sons of God!

As we render unto the world what is the world’s, we are brought closer to the awareness of heaven. Heaven is not a place, it is a “state of being” that this world knows very little about.

There is a transformation of consciousness that takes place within the mind of the disciple that is intellectually unbelievable. This transformation is akin to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Imagine a butterfly trying to explain flight to a caterpillar, and you see the dilemma that Christ faced in His attempt to teach the “believers” of His day about “heaven.”

Life is but a Dream

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, dreaming, enlightenment, forgiveness, God, hell fire, Hope, Jesus, meditation, money, Paramahansa Yogananda, Paul of Tarsus, salvation, seek, seeker, stress, truth, Xanax, Yogananda on February 13, 2015 by david1963

Imagine for a moment that we are dreaming. (Because ‘we’ really are, life is but a Dream)

 Lord Jesus tells us that when we awaken from our self-induced fear of God dream, we will be Happy and no longer ‘scared’ by ANYTHING.

“Fear Not!” The Master, 2000 years ago.

This is what is on my mind………..

What if?; you will continue to dream this, the same dream, over and over, until you awaken from the fear of God; and His “hell-fire?”

It’s all a self-induced trick beloved….your entire life… are ‘doing thus’ unto yourself, unknown by YOU!

Better yet, what if?; you can awaken from your dream of “hell-fire, sin and death” right this minute, if you would only lay down your judgment of God, by no longer blindly believing that He created a hell-fire for “NON-BELIEVERS.”

It’s 2015, we got Google, they did not in 1611!
Do you REALLY still believe that you are safe from God and His after death place of eternal punishment called hell-fire because you, and your family before you, believed every “jot and tittle” in the kings holy bible?

Brother, we were deceived by FEAR! Fear Nothing any longer!

When Christ shows YOU (and He Will!), that your family’s generational blind-belief in “hell-fire” has been a 400 year old demonic trick by a tyrannical worldly king; we Must begin to question every “jot and tittle” in the kings religious manifesto of 1611.

Fear is the only REASON for blind, unchallenged beliefs.
But “REASON” was taken out of the equation when we blindly believed without ANY REASON whatsoever that God created “hell-fire” as a place to put His mistakes??

It’s “TIME” we awaken by the power of FORGIVENESS, and repent from our blind-beliefs in the Vengeful God of hell-fire!

Hello Pastor, you will not lose your church or your ‘livelihood’ by seeking for the Risen Christ within the kingdom of God. All your fears are baseless misrepresentations of our Creative Source brought about by your limited beliefs associated with the “holy-bible.”

I have expressed previously that the words that are posted here are not one man’s opinion, but the experience of one man who has ‘attempted’ everyday to PRACTICE Unconditional FORGIVENESS as taught by the Lord Jesus Christ. The past 10 or so years have not been easy by ANY stretch of the imagination, BUT, my Brothers and Sisters
worth every FORGIVING thought!

In closing, if >! YOU! <  Will PRACTICE Unconditional FORGIVENESS, by a willingness to FORGIVE, thus LOVE your enemies, both foreign and domestic; you will understand the complete INSANITY of blindly believing in an after death place of eternal torment called “hell-fire.”

When you have awakened to the complete nonsense and insanity of a God Who made hell-fire, you Will begin your journey back into the Kingdom of Heaven Created for you before “time” began in your sleeping mind.

enough for today….

“Kingdom of Heaven” is total Peace of mind.

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, Ego, enlightenment, salvation, seeker, spiritual on February 13, 2015 by david1963

I AM aware that the Kingdom of Heaven is within me; that we experience this Kingdom to the degree that we become conscious of it. This awareness shows us this kingdom is Ours!

We are now in a dispensation of “time” that we will make our Greatest spiritual gains in the history of mans sojourn as we Dispense with our fear of God, and no longer fear His kingdom.

Fear is the effect of all the madness you see; And there is No cause. What you experience as cause is in truth only an effect of fear.

God Is the Only Cause, and if God did not create it, it is not real, and if you or i are seeing what our Father did not Create, then we are spiritually blinded by fear.

Mind only operates correctly when it is not stressed by circumstances. Circumstances are karmic in nature, meaning, YOU are effecting YOUR world by YOUR thoughts.

Meditation creates a space within the mind that limits what you expose yourself too. Sickness for example can be cured through proper meditation. All sickness begins in a mind that is Not “at ease.” When the mind is at ease it can not be in “dis ease.”

Limiting an unlimited Consciousness

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, finder, forgiveness, God, hell fire, Jesus, Love, meditation, money, Paramahansa on January 27, 2015 by david1963

Limiting an unlimited Consciousness

The EGO has placed a limit on an Unlimited Consciousness. Fear has blocked the awareness of Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love requires that you ALLOW the EGO to be re parented by Christ, Who is Unconditional Love.

The re-parenting process, or the “renewing of your mind”, “feels” painful to the EGO who has based its world on judgment and fear. When you realize all your judgments are personal in nature, you drop judgment like a hot potato; in other words, “I AM not afraid of the same things that you are, and you are not afraid of the same things I AM.” You realize ALL fears are Not founded on reason. Reason does not change from person to person, only beliefs do.

For example the belief in an after death hellfire is not only insane, but it is anti-Christ because it is not “Loving.” ‘David Winter’ does not fear hellfire any longer because reason has taught me that is does not exist in reality, only in personal belief. Reason gave me wisdom to See that Love does not harm; and if Love cannot harm, then I was deceived by my blind belief in king James’ manifesto of 1611 to believe that it did.

The reason king James did not give the “full class” in “his bible”, is because he was well aware of the power the ‘fear of God’ has over the minds of men. If a man fears its God he has been spiritually manipulated by a false belief.

Prior to reason becoming a part of my thought process due to my blind belief in the holy-bible, if someone spoke of “karma or reincarnation”, I would become afraid, because it was not “in the bible.”

When you look out upon your world and see suffering of ANY kind, REASON, if you will listen, will prove to you God did not create the suffering you see; if God did not create the suffering you see and you are “seeing it”, then My Brother, the eyes you are seeing with were Never meant to SEE!

more to follow . . .

The cost of being a disciple of the Master

Posted in addiction, anxiety, dark night of the soul, devil, dream, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, finder, God, hell fire, Jesus, meditation, money, Paramahansa, Paramahansa Yogananda, path, Paul of Tarsus, seeker, stress on January 13, 2015 by david1963

The cost of being a disciple

As you prepare to become a disciple of Jesus Christ and no longer just a believer. Begin to understand that Jesus teaches of “another world”, one not of this world. 

To believers of the “holy-bible” the teachings of Jesus are as foolish today as when they were first taught over 2000 years ago; and this is the reason why so few are saved.

Jesus Is a Master of the “inner world”, the world of Creation; the kingdom of God. This gives Him control of His “outer world”, the world of illusion;  the kingdom of EGO.

Lord Jesus tells you,  if you Will Practice Unconditional FORGIVENESS and grow to love those you hate, Christ will make Himself known to you. This “awareness” of the second coming is salvation. 

To achieve salvation, and what you must be willing to go through is what is being spoken of in the book of Luke chapter 14 starting at verse 25; from the kings religious manifesto of 1611.

Know that when you start there is no going back. It would be like a dog returning to its own vomit.  You cannot achieve the salvation of Jesus Christ unless you are ready to give up this world completely and all of its temptations. Money being at the top of the list.

Its not easy. But worth every step.

FORGIVENESS will have you arrive safely at your destination because you never go anywhere except in your consciousness.

You are in heaven now beloved, but because we were brainwashed to fear God and attack our enemies,  we don’t experience Christ,  His second coming, or heaven.  We stay spiritually trapped in a hell of our own making.

Do you understand that All believers past and present were brainwashed by the “holy-bible”?

In closing,  if you are a Sunday church going Christian ask yourself right now as you read this; what is my reason for going? If your reason for going is the fear of hellfire or GOD, you have been spiritually brainwashed by your beliefs.

This “brainwashing” is overcome by Loving,  and no longer hating you enemies.

Reason will empower your FAITH beloved <3

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, fear, forgiveness, God, hell fire, Jesus, meditation, money, Paramahansa Yogananda, Paul of Tarsus, salvation, seeker, Spirit, spiritual, Yogananda on January 12, 2015 by david1963

“only faith gives us access to theological truths. The ways of God are not open to reason, for God has freely chosen to create a world and establish a way of salvation within it apart from any necessary laws that human logic or rationality can uncover.” ~ William of Ockham

Reason can take you to the gate of “theological truth”, but it is faith that Opens the Gate of Heaven to our blinded eyes. Our eyes have been blinded by the fear of God. The “fear of God” takes reason out of the equation, by replacing it with “blind-belief.”

Believers do not know or “experience” the truth that sets them free precisely because they believe they know the truth. Believers are afraid that if their “beliefs” are questioned and found to be wrong, God will destroy them or cast them into the “lake of fire.”

We as “blind-believers” HAD become anti-Christ without knowing it. We limited what our Savior could do ‘through’ us by believing we must “die to live.” Of course this is preposterous and contrary to reason or common sense; and it is utterly absurd or ridiculous to those who have been saved by the Risen Christ within the kingdom of God ❤

As brainwashed “believers” we must come to a self-realization or understanding that our religion does not work as prescribed by the “holy-bible.” When this is even remotely accepted by reason we are on our way to the Salvation of Jesus Christ.

Every “believer” in the “holy-bible” dies. Death is not the way to eternal life my brother. Life Is the Way, and the ONLY Way to “Eternal” Life!

In closing, we have been greatly deceived (brainwashed) by our self-induced fear of God blind belief. We can reverse the effects of this insane concept if we are willing to FORGIVE our enemies 70X7 and return to Love ❤

Psst…. the “enemies” you see on TV do not exist in the kingdom of God…”Fear Not”:

“The Kingdom of God is within YOU
~ The deathless Master 2000 years ago.