Archive for JOB

JOB 3:25

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on February 18, 2009 by david1963

     I am going to write about fear and what we fear comes upon us just as it did to Job when he said; For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” (KJV)

I am using the KJV translation for sake of argument. I do not accept everything that is written in this version nor do I believe that the KJV is the “word of God” as many have been told to believe.

     That being said, what Job is saying is to watch how you “think” about a situation or an event prior to anything happening. Live in this moment and not some future moment because you have no idea how it will turn out.

“It will turn out how you think it will just not the way you thought it would.”

Confused? I will explain. Job was so worried about what would happen to him that it did. Job was a creator as we all are. When we think something unfavorable is going to happen it does. The “Father” has this in place to show us that the worst never happens and if we believe that good will happen; Great will take it place. The “Father’s” grace is almost unexplainable in that nothing “bad” ever happens.

I will give an example in my own life: Before I understood Jesus and the “Father’s” grace. I would worry so much that I became sick with mental anxiety that resulted in colon cancer, twice! I brought this upon myself from the thoughts that I was holding. Some were conscious and some unconscious. We learn this when we look back for the sake of remembering who we are and as Jesus told us, “you are gods.” As gods we create with our thoughts the things we want or do Not want. I was tired of my job and wanted out and in my own ego mind I could not figure out how this was at all possible. I was fearful. My thoughts created the physical condition (cancer) and I was able to leave work if even for a short time. I understand many will need to read this twice or ask questions which I will be more than honored to answer. I am doing the work of my “Father” in writing this piece. It is my attempt here to convey the importance of thought and the power behind it. “As a man thinks so shall he be.” (Proverbs 23:7, KJV)

All sickness and dis-ease (a body not at-ease) is the direct result of improper thinking. When the thoughts are at ease the body will not be in dis-ease. I was in pain for many years resulting from the surgeries that I had agreed too. We can not correct a situation “with-out”, or in the world, with out first correcting everything “within.” We can not have “all things added”, until we seek “the kingdom within, first.” 

This is a different consciousness than is in the world. It is looked at as foolishness to those that are not seeking the truth that will set them free!

We are advised to be in the world but not of it. Life is hell when you do not understand thought and how it is used. Jesus was not teaching us how to get to a heaven “out there” somewhere or after we “die”, and only if we have joined the right organization and spoke the correct words and done the proper work. NO,NO,NO he is telling us have it now. “The Kingdom is now.” “The Kingdom is at hand.” Mark 1:15 (KJV)

When you give this “Kingdom now” thought; It is so profound that you begin to question what you believe, and how you came to believe what you “believe.” You see that the Saviour was not talking of some future time or future event but NOW!

Get in Jesus consciousness now through proper thinking. The ego is the “devil” and will tell you there is nothing different than what you have been “told” BUT THERE IS, I AM NOT A LIER AND NEITHER WAS THE CARPENTER FROM GALILEE. They killed him, why? You must understand this first and foremost. Why did they kill him? Why did they make him an example? If the government today televised the execution of a spiritual teacher who had done no wrong, 99.9 % of the people would not follow, being fearful of the same fate. We have been told lies after lies about EVERYTHING all in the name of control. The gospel as it is preached in churches across America today has no power…… And that brothers and sisters is all by design.

Go “WITHIN” Now!

When you go in you will see the miracles lived out in your life.

In loving truth,


The truth will set you free and fear tactics have been used throughout time to control people.