Archive for God

Oneness Shows You, Heaven Is Now!

Posted in Ego, fear, finder, Hope, Jesus, Love, Paul of Tarsus, seek, seeker, Spirit, spiritual, truth, Uncategorized, within with tags on August 25, 2010 by david1963

     I sat with the Great Master one night, and He taught me of wrong and He taught me of right.

     His  words were like an arrow straight to my heart, I knew then I had nothing to fear, cause He would never, ever part.

     He told me He Loved me in so many ways; That if I tried to explain it to you it would appear a verbal maze.

     I will try to tell you of the FEELING He gave; When He told me of His Love and how it was made.

     “Love began as One”, He said and that’s the way it stayed; Until we “thought” and forgot we had it made; Not to worry and not to fret, the Great Master continued, “God” would never gamble nor “God” never bet.

“God” would never take a chance on losing His only son.  So always remember we have                                                                                                    always                                                                                                                                       been One…………………………………………………………………………………………..

      When you first SEE “God” you realize something unexplainable and yet true, the more you seek the “Love Devine”, the more you realize that everything yours is mine!” (and Visa versa)

      When you can (and you must to understand) accept that we are all One in concept you will then begin a transformation that for every step you take toward “God within”,  “God” takes TEN steps toward you. You need to agree at least in concept that we are all One. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad and all other Master’s of the “Inner-World” or “Heaven” have told us we are all One.

    OK,  Now you want to take the concept and make it real in your life.  Because a concept is only a concept in the mind until it has been proven to be Reality. You can prove that we are all One when, we begin to See everyone as the Christ consciousness and treat them accordingly;(Remember: “Whatever you do for the least of these you do for ME“). Start by looking at everyone without thought or judgement, even some one you think you know really well.

     When you do not judge anyone you will SEE them with the eyes Christ told us about. 

It only gets better brothers and sisters;

“God” tells us “SEEK and YOU will FIND!” 

Always Love,

I C U in Me,


More to follow….

Intention 2-1-2010

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 2, 2010 by david1963

What is Intention?

Intention is inspiration in manifestation.

Whatever you intend is a thought first; And after a thought is accepted in reality it becomes material or you can “see-it”.

For an example: If you are inspired to take a vacation; Inspiration is Not a thought of the mind about a vacation, inspiration for this vacation is an “impression” upon your consciousness by our “Divine Source.” In religion this Divine Source is sometimes called God, Allah, Mother Earth and even Jesus. What religion is attempting to describe by these labels is the “Source” of all creation. This source of all creation has your highest good as its goal Always! Because we can “think” or in religion, because we have “free-will” we slow down the intention or manifestation process by trying to “figure-out” how we will take the vacation, thus adding fear, through “thought”, and slowing down the manifestation of our vacation. If and when we realize that “INSPIRATION” shows us the “Will” of our “Divine-Source”, we need only accept, and it will be shown in our reality!

So easy, Uh? Easy, yes; Simple, no. The reason it is not simple is due to our “pre-formed-beliefs” about life and how creation is manifested. True experience or testing the spirit is how we come to understand the process of creating the life we want to “experience” in our lives! We first have to suspend All preconceived “beliefs about life, heaven, hell, judgement, evil, love, fear Etc… All these “beliefs” were formed without true experiences. Thus, we formed our beliefs by what we were “told” or what we read in “Holy Books” such as the Torah, Bible or the Koran just to name three of the most popular books used for the different beliefs and “Religions.” We were told these contain the only true “Word’s of God” and so we believed it. However, because “we-believe” some-thing does Not make it a reality to everyone else only to us. This is the Ego or Devil part of us that tells us “I AM RIGHT and You are wrong and going to ??? hell maybe? It all has to do with control of the mind. This has gone on for centuries and will continue until we understand the our “Divine-Source” is LOVE!

I will now explain:

Do you believe in gravity? Yes, why? Not because you read it in a book or were told this by someone, but because you experienced this power we call gravity.


Do you believe you love your children? No, why? Because you experience this power we call “Love” through “experience.” It is the same with “Our Father who is in Heaven.” We no longer have to form a “belief” about “The Father” we experience “The Father”,

So we know “The Father” is All loving.

I hope this helps explain personal manifestation and personal Co-creation. Please if You have any question or would like me to further explain to help you live the life You want to live just leave a note here or email me and I will reply A.S.A.P.

Love to Every-ONE!
